Get Under The Skin of Surgeon Simulator 2
Two weeks ago (was it really only two weeks?!) we gave you a first proper look at Surgeon Simulator 2. We know you’re itching for more, so allow us to really get under the skin of our upcoming sequel and show you what really makes the game tick.
In this 5-minute Gameplay Overview extravaganza, we take a deep-dive into the game’s mechanics. Just what the heck is wrong with Bob this time?! And more importantly, what you can do to ‘fix’ him!
As you can see, surgery remains the lifeblood of this new experience, but this time around, instead of a floating hand confined to the operating table, you’ll control a first-person surgeon with an entire medical facility to explore. Surgeon Simulator 2 also introduces true co-operation to the franchise - up to 4 players can explore and operate together. But will your team become heroic healers… or barbaric butchers?

But wait, there’s more! We’ve yet to fully draw the curtains back on the Bossa Labs Creation mode but it’s going to be a game-changer. Keeping in the vein of creative fun, this mode will allow you to use the same tools our developers did to make your own levels.

Sounds exciting, right? Well, good news everybody, you can jump the waiting list and pre-order the game right now! Along with a ward full of goodies, you’ll also get Closed Beta access to play the game early and be the envy of your mates!
We’ve got even more exciting news to come so keep an eye on our shiny website & social media for more information.
See you later, operator!
The SS2 Team